PDT is  more than an investment and equity holding company. It is a trusted institution by the state government and the people of Johor.

We operate at the intersection of public and private spheres. Our projects have to deliver on both commercial and public policy objectives. This interplay of strategic, commercial and policy considerations is what makes PDT significantly relevant.

As we take in the various state government  investment mandates, we are committed to ensuring that  PDT continues to develop its relationship with key services sector. We constantly energize and reshape our portfolio in line with our views of long term trends, and an eye on medium term risks. Looking ahead for the year, we expect to be more cautious, given the heightening near term market risks against gradually slowing growth.

The reputation and character of PDT are shaped by our values  and conduct as we strive to do right as individual and as a team. We invest and advocate good governance. As a forward looking institution, we foster partnership and cooperation. Professional and integrity form the foundation of our character. Our people are our strength and they are our guideposts to bring out the best of the company. Religion is our core guiding principle and our endowment gifts support programmes ranging from education, community building, public service and sustainability initiatives.